To test if a plain AOB injection works, I have the following code below
aobscanmodule(INJECT,VCRUNTIME140.dll,ERROR: Could not find unique AOB, tried code "48 89 08 C3 0F B6 0A") // should be unique
mov [rax],rcx
movzx ecx,byte ptr [rdx]
jmp return
Meanwhile if I input this array of bytes into the cheat engine main window as shown below, we can see that there are many matches in the same file. I am not sure what is going on. Does anyone know why the AOB scan code can't find a set of bytes that the main cheat engine window can?
...ERROR: Could not find unique AOB, tried code "48 89 08 C3 0F B6 0A") // should be unique
This is self-evident
You really shouldn't be injecting at memmove anyway. It's such a generic routine that there's probably many other addresses the instruction also accesses. You'd have to filter those out (CE tutorial step 9). _________________
I don't know where I'm going, but I'll figure it out when I get there.
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