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Game Hacking Dojo Expert Cheater Reputation: 1
Joined: 17 Sep 2023 Posts: 229
Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2024 3:54 pm Post subject: Superior Go to Address |
Code: | -- Made by the GameHackingDojo
-- Special thanks to:
-- ParkourPenguin
-- AylinCE
local function go_to_address(type, offset)
local version = {1, 1, 2, 0}
local form_colour = 0x242424 --BGR
local bevel_colour = 0x404040 --BGR
local font_colour = 0xBBBBBB --BGR
local red_colour = 0x453ACC --BGR
local small_spacing = 4
local spacing = 8
local message_time = 2000 --Milliseconds
local default_label = "Enter an address"
-- Create main window
local form = createForm(false)
form.Caption = "Superior Go to Address by GHD"
form.AutoSize = true
form.Constraints.MaxHeight = 92
form.Constraints.MinWidth = 400
form.Constraints.MaxWidth = 1300
form.Font.Color = font_colour
--form.BorderStyle = 'bsNone'
--[[local title_bar = createPanel(form)
title_bar.Align = alTop
title_bar.Height = 26
title_bar.Color = 0x282828
title_bar.BevelColor = bevel_colour
title_bar.Color = form_colour
title_bar.OnMouseDown = function(sender, button, x, y)
if button == mbLeft then
local title_label = createLabel(title_bar)
title_label.Caption = "Go to address"
title_label.Font.Color = font_colour
title_label.Font.Size = 9
title_label.Align = asrCenter
title_label.BorderSpacing.Left = small_spacing
title_label.Alignment = "taLeft"
title_label.OnMouseDown = function(sender, button, x, y)
if button == mbLeft then
-- Centre to MemoryViewForm window
local form_x, form_y = getMemoryViewForm().getPosition()
form_x = form_x + getMemoryViewForm().width / 2 - form.width / 2
form_y = form_y + getMemoryViewForm().height / 2 - form.height / 2
form.setPosition(form_x, form_y)
-- Create main panel
local main_panel = createPanel(form)
main_panel.Align = alClient
main_panel.ClientHeight = form.ClientHeight
main_panel.ClientWidth = form.ClientWidth
main_panel.BevelColor = bevel_colour
-- Create label
local label = createLabel(main_panel)
label.Align = alLeft
label.Caption = default_label
label.BorderSpacing.Top = spacing
label.BorderSpacing.Left = small_spacing
label.BorderSpacing.Right = small_spacing
-- Create input box
local inputbox = createEdit(main_panel)
inputbox.Align = asrCenter
inputbox.BorderSpacing.Left = small_spacing
inputbox.BorderSpacing.Right = small_spacing
-- Create version label
local version_label = createLabel(main_panel)
version_label.Caption = "v"..version[1].."."..version[2].."."..version[3].."."..version[4]
version_label.font.Color = red_colour
version_label.font.size = 8
version_label.Align = alRight
version_label.AnchorSideTop.Control = label
version_label.BorderSpacing.Top = spacing
version_label.BorderSpacing.Left = small_spacing
version_label.BorderSpacing.Right = small_spacing
-- Create button panel
local button_panel = createPanel(form)
button_panel.ClientHeight = 40
button_panel.Align = alBottom
button_panel.BevelColor = bevel_colour
-- Create go button
local go_button = createButton(button_panel)
go_button.Caption = "Go"
go_button.Align = alRight
go_button.Constraints.MinWidth = 75
go_button.Constraints.MinHeight = 25
go_button.AutoSize = true
go_button.BorderSpacing.around = spacing
go_button.OnCLick = function()
if process == nil or process == "" and label.Caption == default_label then
label.Caption = "Not attached to process" label.Font.Color = red_colour -- error message
createTimer(message_time, function() -- revert the changes
label.Caption = default_label
label.Font.Color = font_colour
if offset == true then inputbox.text = "$process+"..inputbox.text:gsub("%$process%+", "") end
inputbox.text = string.gsub(inputbox.text, ":%$", "$process") --define :$ as $process (x64dbg expression)
local address = getAddressSafe(inputbox.text) or nil
if address == nil and label.Caption == default_label then
label.Caption = "Not a valid address" label.Font.Color = red_colour -- error message
createTimer(message_time, function() -- revert the changes
label.Caption = default_label
label.Font.Color = font_colour
if type == "disassembler" then getMemoryViewForm().DisassemblerView.TopAddress = address end
if type == "memory_view" then getMemoryViewForm().HexadecimalView.Address = address end
-- Add OnKeyDown event for Enter key
inputbox.OnKeyDown = function(sender, key) if key == VK_RETURN then go_button.DoClick() end end
-- Create cancel button
local cancel_button = createButton(button_panel)
cancel_button.Caption = "Cancel"
cancel_button.Align = alRight
cancel_button.Constraints.MinWidth = 75
cancel_button.Constraints.MinHeight = 25
cancel_button.AutoSize = true
cancel_button.BorderSpacing.around = spacing
cancel_button.OnClick = function() form.close() end
-- Create module or symbol checkbox
local offset_checkbox = createCheckBox(button_panel)
local initial_offset_input = ""
offset_checkbox.Caption = "Go to Offset"
offset_checkbox.Align = alLeft
offset_checkbox.Constraints.MinWidth = 50
offset_checkbox.Constraints.MaxHeight = 19
offset_checkbox.BorderSpacing.around = spacing
if offset == true then offset_checkbox.state = cbChecked end
offset_checkbox.onChange = function()
if offset_checkbox.state == cbChecked then offset = true else offset = false end
inputbox.text = string.gsub(inputbox.text, ":%$", "$process") --define :$ as $process (x64dbg expression)
if offset_checkbox.state == cbChecked then
initial_offset_input = inputbox.text:gsub("%s+$", "")
if initial_offset_input ~= "" then inputbox.text = initial_offset_input end
-- Create module or symbol checkbox
local module_symbol_checkbox = createCheckBox(button_panel)
local initial_module_symbol_input = ""
module_symbol_checkbox.Caption = "Module or Symbol"
module_symbol_checkbox.Align = alLeft
module_symbol_checkbox.Left = 60
module_symbol_checkbox.Constraints.MinWidth = 110
module_symbol_checkbox.Constraints.MaxHeight = 19
module_symbol_checkbox.BorderSpacing.around = spacing
module_symbol_checkbox.onChange = function()
inputbox.text = string.gsub(inputbox.text, ":%$", "$process") --define :$ as $process (x64dbg expression)
if getAddressSafe(inputbox.text) == nil and label.Caption == default_label then
label.Caption = "Not a valid address" label.Font.Color = red_colour -- error message
createTimer(message_time, function() -- revert the changes
label.Caption = default_label
label.Font.Color = font_colour
module_symbol_checkbox.state = cbUnchecked
if module_symbol_checkbox.state ~= cbUnchecked then
if module_symbol_checkbox.state == cbGrayed then
initial_module_symbol_input = inputbox.text:gsub("%s+$", "")
if offset == true then
inputbox.text = "$process+"..inputbox.text:gsub("%$process%+", "")
offset = false
offset_checkbox.state = cbUnchecked
inputbox.text = getNameFromAddress(inputbox.text, true, false)
if module_symbol_checkbox.state == cbChecked then
if offset == true then
inputbox.text = "$process+"..inputbox.text:gsub("%$process%+", "")
offset = false
offset_checkbox.state = cbUnchecked
inputbox.text = getNameFromAddress(inputbox.text, true, true)
if module_symbol_checkbox.state == cbUnchecked then
inputbox.text = initial_module_symbol_input
for i = 0, getMemoryViewForm().DisassemblerView.PopupMenu.items.count - 1 do
local item = getMemoryViewForm().DisassemblerView.PopupMenu.items[i]
if item.name == "Gotoaddress1" then
local offset_item_index = i + 1
local popup_menu = getMemoryViewForm().DisassemblerView.PopupMenu
local menu_item = createMenuItem(popup_menu)
menu_item.Caption = "Go to Offset"
menu_item.ImageIndex = 35
menu_item.ShortCut = textToShortCut("Ctrl+F")
menu_item.OnClick = function(s)
go_to_address("disassembler", true)
popup_menu.Items.insert(offset_item_index, menu_item)
item.OnClick = function() go_to_address("disassembler", false) end
for i = 0, getMemoryViewForm().HexadecimalView.PopupMenu.items.count - 1 do
local item = getMemoryViewForm().HexadecimalView.PopupMenu.items[i]
if item.name == "Goto1" then
local offset_item_index = i + 1
local popup_menu = getMemoryViewForm().HexadecimalView.PopupMenu
local menu_item = createMenuItem(popup_menu)
menu_item.Caption = "Go to Offset"
menu_item.ImageIndex = 35
--menu_item.ShortCut = textToShortCut("Ctrl+F")
menu_item.OnClick = function(s)
go_to_address("memory_view", true)
popup_menu.Items.insert(offset_item_index, menu_item)
item.OnClick = function() go_to_address("memory_view", false) end
end |
Last edited by Game Hacking Dojo on Sat Oct 12, 2024 4:26 pm; edited 3 times in total |
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Game Hacking Dojo Expert Cheater Reputation: 1
Joined: 17 Sep 2023 Posts: 229
Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2024 9:28 am Post subject: |
A big update
Dark byte, can you please try it and add it to Cheat Engine? We really need this, Thank you
Description: |
Filesize: |
7.18 KB |
Viewed: |
3487 Time(s) |
Description: |
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Filename: |
Superior Go to Address.lua |
Filesize: |
9.24 KB |
Downloaded: |
142 Time(s) |
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Game Hacking Dojo Expert Cheater Reputation: 1
Joined: 17 Sep 2023 Posts: 229
Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2024 12:13 pm Post subject: |
Another Big Update
- It saves your history
- You can go to the module base if the input box is empty while the offset is checked
- You can type :$ to go to the module base. (no plus needed between the symbol and offset like in x64dbg)
- You can use hotkeys (Ctrl + F) to toggle offset on or off.
- You can use the Escape key to close the form
- The input box is filled with the selected address by default
Description: |
Filesize: |
7.92 KB |
Viewed: |
615 Time(s) |
Description: |
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Filename: |
Superior Go to Address.lua |
Filesize: |
10.46 KB |
Downloaded: |
27 Time(s) |
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AylinCE Grandmaster Cheater Supreme Reputation: 34
Joined: 16 Feb 2017 Posts: 1432
Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2024 1:35 pm Post subject: |
Need advice?
1) Avoid overused control names (like "form")
2) Make the dimensions uniform and equal for each user;
Code: | DP1=getScreenDPI()/96
form.Constraints.MaxHeight = 92*DP1
title_label.Font.Size = 9*DP1
local form_x, form_y = getMemoryViewForm().getPosition()
form_x = form_x + getMemoryViewForm().width*DP1 / 2*DP1 - form.width*DP1 / 2*DP1
form_y = form_y + getMemoryViewForm().height*DP1 / 2*DP1 - form.height*DP1 / 2*DP1
form.setPosition(form_x*DP1, form_y*DP1)
module_symbol_checkbox.Left = 60*DP1 |
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Game Hacking Dojo Expert Cheater Reputation: 1
Joined: 17 Sep 2023 Posts: 229
Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2024 4:49 pm Post subject: |
Thank you for the feedback that really helps, AylinCE
And here's the update:
- Fixed history list order now shows the last address at the top
- Fixed not detecting screen dpi. (Thanks to AylinCE)
- And of course, introduced new bugs to fix later
Description: |
Filesize: |
7.91 KB |
Viewed: |
566 Time(s) |
Description: |
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Filename: |
Superior Go to Address.lua |
Filesize: |
10.67 KB |
Downloaded: |
40 Time(s) |
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Game Hacking Dojo Expert Cheater Reputation: 1
Joined: 17 Sep 2023 Posts: 229
Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2024 4:55 am Post subject: |
New update:
- Fixed not showing in the middle of the memory view form
- Tested on multiple screens and resolutions
- More safety checks added to avoid access violation
- UI improvements
- And perhaps some new bugs
Description: |
Filesize: |
5.8 KB |
Viewed: |
284 Time(s) |
Description: |
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Filename: |
Superior Go to Address.lua |
Filesize: |
11.7 KB |
Downloaded: |
21 Time(s) |
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