Erez Zrihen Advanced Cheater Reputation: 0
Joined: 26 Feb 2016 Posts: 65
Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2021 7:04 am Post subject: Not all "Find out what writes to this address" are |
Recently I downloaded, compiled and built Cheat Engine 7.3.
Before the compilation and build I tried to both disable and hide all "Find out what writes to this address" menu items, but I succeed to hide only one of them and the other that I did not succeed to hide is disabled.
I tried to disable and hide all "Find out what writes to this address" menu items by first both viewing and using the "Object Inspector" window and then from top to bottom I iterated over and through all the components of both the "PopupMenu2" and the "foundlistpopup" of the "MainForm" object whose "Caption" property is exactly equal to the string literal "Find out what writes to this address" and then I set both "Enabled" and "Visible" Boolean properties to the Boolean literal "False" by unchecking and unticking the checkbox.
This action modified only the components whose "Name" property is exactly equal to the string literal "Setbreakpoint1" of the "PopupMenu2" component and "miFlFindWhatWrites" of the "foundlistpopup" component.
But this action hid ONLY one of the "Find out what writes to this address" menu items but NOT both.
The other "Find out what writes to this address", that this action did NOT hide at all, the action did disable it, but I don't want to see any "Find out what writes to this address" menu items at all, so I want all the "Find out what writes to this address" menu items to be hidden but NOT some hidden and some visible.
This action did hide the "Find out what writes to this address" item from the context menu of the "found addresses" list view on the TOP of the main form window of the Cheat Engine application but this action did NOT hide but ONLY disabled the "Find out what writes to this address" item from the context menu of the "added addresses" list view on the BOTTOM of the main form window of the Cheat Engine application.
I want to hide also the "Find out what writes to this address" item from the context menu of the "added addresses" list view on the BOTTOM of the main form window of the Cheat Engine application too.
I want to ask you why this action hid only one of the "Find out what writes to this address" menu items but NOT both?
I am asking you this question because I unchecked and set the "Visible" Boolean property to "False" in ALL components whose Caption is "Find out what writes to this address".
So why I still see "Find out what writes to this address" menu item?