Cheat Engine User Something epic Reputation: 60
Joined: 22 Jun 2007 Posts: 2071
Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 7:48 am Post subject: [PHP] IRC Game about piracy (unfinished) |
I've started quite some projects in the last two years that I haven't finished, including this one. I hope anyone of you (which is unlikely, so I hope someone interested in a game idea in PHP finds this that) can finish this source into the game I wished to have finished.
The game idea was simple, you're a pirate-king/captain amongst many others upon a sea and you're trying to get as much treasure as possible. Using multiple types of ships, such as a fast ship, a cargo-ship and a war-ship, you are supposed to be the first to get to a point where you have to collect gold and bring it back to your own island, where you can spend it on more/better boats. It was made for #zomgwtfbbq on as a first release, and would be open-source on a later notice.
Anyway, let me start off with making clearly how to get started. Make a database (preferably named zowb-piracy or something, otherwise change the sql file if it doesn't work out) and import the sql file in the sql folder. Then make sure the server is allowed to use sockets functions. If that all works, you can basically run it after you've set the settings file correctly. It's in the settings folder, enter the mysql data, the settings of the game etc. if it all works, run the index.php file from the root folder from the browser (you can close the page afterwards) or from php.exe and the bot should join the channel and you can log in or register.
Other working commands are !quit (if your access level in the users table is above 3), !rates and !uptime.
When it runs, it makes a new server class. The server class handles everything around the game (or what's made of it, heh) including logging in, registering, etc. The code is really friendly to use, specifically because I was going to release it. Whenever someone logs in, a new player class is made. Nothing much more is made right now, but it's really a good start-off if you're going to finish this or make your own PHP IRC game. The player class doesn't do much right now but it should contain all the information about the user. the player classes are stored in an array indexed by their user hosts.
Good luck and notify me if you've done something cool with it, I'd love to see it.
Download here or here.